How to Use
Big Round Ball Head Attachment
Best For:
Sensitive muscle groups; all areas
Usage Time Maximum of 15 seconds on each muscle area. The massage of the area should not be more than 2 minutes.
Perfect for overall use on large and small muscle groups. This one is usually the go-to attachment for general use. The ball’s shape is perfectly round, so you can smoothly rotate the point of contact with even, steady force. This graded control means you can make micro-adjustments of force, intensity and employing different angles, perfect for tender areas such as your forearm, arms, back, buttocks, thighs and calves. Full body muscle massage and relaxation.

Bullet Head Attachment
Best For:
Large tight muscles; deep tissue; target spots
Usage Time Maximum of 1 seconds on each muscle area. The massage of the area should not be more than 2 minutes.
Used for pinpoint muscle treatment and smaller muscle groups like hands and feet. It’s great for the trigger point massage muscle area, ideal attachment to release knots.

Flat Head Attachment
Best For:
Medium to large muscles of the lower back; sore muscles
Usage Time Maximum of 15 seconds on each muscle area. The massage of the area should not be more than 2 minutes. The flat attachment is great for medium to large muscle groups. It doesn’t go as deep as the bullet attachment, but the modified force is helpful on bulky muscle groups like the calf or biceps. With this head, you don’t have to worry about pounding sore or sensitive muscles such as your calf or deltoids. It’s ideal for any muscle that has a little more “give” to it.

Crescent Head Attachment
Best For:
Round Medium to Large muscles, for neck, shoulders, legs and cervical joints.
Usage Time Maximum of 15 seconds on each muscle area. The massage of the area should
not be more than 2 minutes.
For shaping each muscle part and for shoulders and legs, used for soft tissue massage. Relax the muscles, remove the pain and release the pressure.

Six Fingers Head Attachment
Best For:
Hands, feet or other flat area muscles group.
Usage Time Maximum of 15 seconds on each muscle area. The massage of the area should not be more than 2 minutes. Relax and recover the external and internal abdominal obliques muscles with semi-circular movements to reproduce the muscle shape. It's wider footprint and multiple points are designed to help hypersensitive areas, such as the soles of the feet.

Palm Head Attachment
Best For:
Sensitive muscle groups; all areas
Usage Time Maximum of 1 seconds on each muscle area. The massage of the area should not be more than 2 minutes.
Great for overall use on large and small muscle groups. perfect for tender areas such as your forearm, arms, back, buttocks, thighs and calves. Full body muscle massage and relaxation.

Safety & Cation Head Attachment
1. Don’t overdo it. Longer time under pressure does not always translate to better recovery. Due to
the massage gun’s power, limit your sessions to three minutes maximum for any large muscle like
the quadriceps; and two minutes max if you are massaging your neck. Get the blood circulating and
stimulate the muscle enough to loosen it up, and no more.
2. If you take blood thinners for clotting, avoid using your massage gun on your legs at all costs.
Instead, visit a local massage therapist and ask for a Swedish style massage.
3. Do you get nauseous from strong, high-frequency vibration? If so, use caution when operating
your massage gun near your head. The vibration generated by a typical massage gun is strong
enough to move the fluid in your inner ear, which may cause nausea and vomiting in some people.
if you have any of the following conditions, please be careful.
The intense percussive force of the massage gun puts you at increased risk of further injury:
1. Muscle Strain: This type of injury occurs when a muscle is stretched past its normal range of
motion. Often a result of improper form, sudden movements, and muscular overuse. The powerful
hammering motion of the massage gun can actually further damage your muscles.
2.Sprains: A sprain occurs when the muscle or ligament is actually torn. This injury occurs from
sudden movement, stretching the muscle past its limits. Patients who suffer sprains often hear a
popping noise when their injury occurs. Just like with muscle strains, massage guns can cause further
damage to muscle and ligament sprains.
3.Inflammation Injuries: The body responds to injury with inflammation. This natural response
supplies more blood to the affected area. Common inflammation conditions include tendinitis,
fasciitis, bursitis, and periostitis. Patients with inflammation should not use a massage gun as it may
worsen the inflammation and slow healing.
4.Broken Bones: While this one may seem like a no-brainer; people have tried it before. Previously
broken bones shouldn’t undergo any hammering motion from percussion massage gun therapy. This
goes for patients who have been cleared for exercise as well. Any bit of hammering can cause the
mended bone to fracture or break. Don’t do it! If you are determined to use a massage gun, make
sure you understand the risks. It’s easy to make a mistake and potentially injure yourself, so make
sure to read the instruction manual that came with your device. Follow the suggestions in this article
and recover safely.
For stress relieve and a better sleep
MuscleFlo massage guns can be used for general stress relief. Place the MuscleFlo massage gun for up to two minutes on a muscle, especially into an area with tension. Without pressure rest the MuscleFlo massage gun on your body and slowly glide it along the muscles, do not press on the bones. Stay in one area for a few moments. If there is lots of tension in a particular area stay for bit longer allowing the vibrations to flow through.
For pre workout preparation and post workout recovery
The MuscleFlo massage gun may be used before, during or after workout. Before workout, use the massage gun for at least 30 seconds on each muscle you want to work on. Energise dull muscles during the workout activity to help make progress in your workout. Massage breaks can be taken between sets, use the gun for 15 seconds, to help prolong the set and improve the performance. After the workout, the MuscleFlo massage gun helps with recovery and relaxation by improving blood circulation in the muscles by releasing soreness and pain.